Tuesday 8 February 2011

winter holiday - Disneyland

and then we went to disneyland Paris... awesome!!!!

At the main entrance. seems like not excited at all huh? come on, we're not 5
MIckey and the creator

Hollywood tower!!! one of the best freefall yaaaahhh!!
such a long queue....
another ride?
it's a tram tour
Chip and Dale the Rescue Rangers!!!!
The Frozen Throne!!??
Yeay apple candy is delllliiiicious
into the Disneyland Park!!
previous pics are when we were in the indoor park the Disneyland Studio
The Main gate
Thats the main train station..
its a happening town!! can you see the castle?
proof we went to Disneyland!!!hooray
Tooooo infinity, and beyond!!!!
going for another ride. vrooomm!!!
we're at the cowboy town train station
wondering wether i can meet Indiana Jones here.
thats the agrabah castle
The modern world
ahhh finally we reach the castle after one day walking and travelling by train.
It's a dragon!!! shoot fireball!!
in front of the castle ^^
the town is beautiful at night
center of the town. were going back
thats the end of my winter holiday. oh yeah we did went to london for boxing day but im not gonna upload the pics.


  1. best btol ko travel.adeh jeles lak

  2. LOL lah mau pas dah upload sket gambo pastu suka2 hati jek ckp taknak upload gambo yg len tu.huhu

  3. solid: hehe nnti ko pon leh gak travel an...

    ad: biao r... bg turn gamba laen plak... xkan asek winter holiday je....^^
