Friday, 19 February 2021


 ever heard of fibonacci? at least people might know this from watching prison break. but no im not talking about that guy. it is a sequence closely related to golden ratio. lets talk about golden ratio. it is a ratio that exist and related to beautiful things in both nature, arts, construction. also in

pretty sure one have come across this at least once.

the number is 1.618. or (1+5^-2)/2. the symbol for this number is phi some sort of o with vertical line in the middle like deathly hallows symbol but without the triangle. so i became intrigued with this golden ratio as this thing occurs naturally in this world. like the angle of the petals, spider webs, seashells. even the ratio of human body using this golden ratio is related to beauty. 

here is an attempt of me making lines using the ratio. each line started from the endpoint of previous line and put at 90 degree angle. they are also 1.618 times longer than the previous line. this is the result. the red line i drew shows the points from the corner making straight line and they intersect 90 degree at 1 point. from this i just have to elongate the red line and and i can keep drawing the black line until it reach the red line and the length will always be 1.618x length of previous line. one thing i noted is also that the red and black lines formed right angled triangle. and im guessing here the size of the triangle increase by 1.618 also. im not sure as i lack the proper equipment to do the calculation right now. im also wondering whats the angle for the triangles but lemme guess one is 34.377 and another is 55.623. this is just a guess but ill need to get my friends help to do calculation. i dont have scientific calculator with me anymore.

why i do this? its just out of curiosity.

this is another attempt of me with drawing pentagon with different sizes but all according to the ratio. this is the result. 
terpesonaaaaa. aku terpesonaa 
i d like to try with other shapes with different angles but yeah all these are done using ms paint only. so its quite limited.

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