been attempting to make apple juice multiple times. and this time i hit the mark. managed to make the taste similar to the one i bought from shop or supermarket.
the ingredients are these
3 apples
4 limau nipis
a splash of apple cider vinegar
1 litre water
4 tablets of stevia (dunno equivalent to how much sugar)
aloe vera (optional)
basically just chopthose apples i removed the seeds. squeeze those limes and pour in a bit of apple cider vinegar maybe like 2 spoonful amount. put in the stevia or sugar or honey or whatever sweetener you can think of. fill up the blender up to 1 liter so basically the amount of water i use is less than 1 liter as there are already other ingredients inside. blendddddddddddddddddddd and were done. can drink straight away or if you hate the fibre/pulp feeling. filter using muslin cloth filter and youll get a clean juice only.
add on aloevera to your liking. i read that aloe vera can be consumed raw even with the latex but some advise to wash away the latex first as prolonged consumption is not good. also the aloe vera latex is not goo dfor people with kidney problem or taking antihypertensive/ diabetes medication. how to prepare aloevera? cut the leaves. peel of the skin using knife or will get a slimy translucent jelly like substance inside. rinse with water to get rid of the latex or you can use the latex for your hair or skin then just chop the jelly and put in your drink
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