this refer to one of the laptops. i did mentioned my mom need a desktop due to her laptop died. yeap that one. one fine day it just decided to went black screen upon booting up. start the comp, the windows logo appear and then its supposed to be the windows with all the taskbar and icons but nope. it went pitch black. so yeah i know theres a way to fix this problem but im gonna shove it to the side for now. hehehe
the thing is there are files and documents that she wanted still inside the computer hence i need to extract the data from the drive. dead people tell no tale though. so im just gonna necro the hard disk and get all of the data.
this is compaq presario cq40
an the view from back
unscrewing the cover for all parts just because i can. i rarely monkey around with a laptop so yeah just wanna have a peek at the inside a bit. the hard disk was removed
this is how to remove the hard disk. unscrew t 3 screws holding the hard disk and pull the black plastic tab to unlock the disk.
so i went to the other computer to borrow a sata cable from the cd rom drive as this cable was missing. without it i cant transfer the data and files.
using this device it allows me to connect hard disk to computer like an external hard disk using usb cable. the device though have multiple ports to allow it to connect to various type of hard disks. notice the red sata cable? yeah i found it in my stash. no point in borrowing from the other computer
everything connected and running
voila. time to transfer. also praise the sun
ill probably try to fix the laptop one day. or not. its an old laptop anyway
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