The International 3 (TI3) is the biggest dota2 tournament and this year it was held at Seattle. I've never watch any tournament before this for I'm not really into serious gaming. I play for fun and I usually only play with my friends. Thats why i never bother to watch the first 2 TI. but then, my comp is no longer fit to play games and my condition that wont allow me to play games much makes me watch this tournament. I didnt really follow it in the beginning but towards the ending I was excited to see the matches especially when Malaysian team, Orange manage to get high ranking in the tournament. They manage to get the 3rd place which they should have been able to get 2nd actually but let's just leave it at that. ah i was rooting for Orange and their lost makes me disappointed a bit to be honest. anyway congrats to them for being able to get the world attention and became a big star. first runner up goes to Na'Vi, the all favourite team around the world and the champion is [A]lliance, a sweddish group. all of them were showing great matches and i just love it.
this is the first time that i really follow a tournament and i felt the excitement like people watching football except that im alone in front of the screen getting excited with all the shouting lol. but now i know that ill be following this tournament next year....perhaps if i have the chance. ^^ if i get the chance i might try to get a ticket to go to the tournament itself. it will be fun watching together with all the crowds haha. Ill try to draw dota characters in the future post. been trying to draw but ive lost my touch actually. only have the rough sketches and getting them done using computer would be really difficult
The Photograph
4 years ago